
Deloitte Regional Economic Advisory

Amid a complex, ever-changing external environment and increasingly fierce regional competition, Deloitte Regional Economic Advisory has observed nine pain points encountered by government and industrial park clients in regional economic development.

We are committed to providing end-to-end regional prosperity solutions covering planning, empowerment and implementation for high-potential governments and industrial parks worldwide. Using our extensive experience, we assist clients in realizing the overall prosperity of their regional economies in the face of increasingly complex and fast-changing development challenges.

1. Planning

We provide clients with comprehensive professional services covering industrial positioning, target lists and industrial park city design to help them clarify their goals and focus high-quality resources on target areas.

Industrial positioning

Governments and parks tend to draw up large, all-encompassing industrial plans, ending up with a one-size-fits-all approach. Our methods address core issues such as "Who do you want to be?", "What is your competitiveness?" and "What is your future development direction?", assisting clients in honing their strategic positioning and drawing up blueprints for their development goals and industrial portfolios.  

Our services:

  • urban/regional development strategy
  • industrial development planning
Targeted List

All-encompassing industrial plans result in tens of thousands of investment attraction targets, making them difficult to embark upon. We help clients plan targeted industrial projects, identify potential target enterprises and customize their investment attraction lists based on the characteristics and opportunities of local industrial clusters. We also help clients focus their resources on the investment attraction targets that best fit local industrial opportunities.  

Our services:

  • industrial project planning
  • investment attraction long lists
  • targeted short lists
Industrial park city design

Governments and industrial parks often face misaligned industry plans and spaces, resulting either in projects pending land approvals or land areas pending project implementations. Based on industrial positioning and our analysis of a project's land demand, we provide complete industrial park city design schemes covering plan structure, land layout, urban design and architectural design, helping clients realize the integration and symbiotic development of industrial and urban areas by maximizing the output effectiveness of land spaces.  

Our services:

  • master plans and conceptual plans
  • detailed regulatory and construction plans
  • urban design and architectural design
  • construction drawing design

2. Empowerment

We provide clients with comprehensive professional services covering industrial policy enhancement, guide funds and regional financing to empower the improvement of governments' and parks' investment attraction capabilities.  

Policy improvement

Governments and parks promulgate individual industrial investment attraction policies, but their dimension and intensity are similar. Leveraging Deloitte's database of national investment attraction policies, we customize policy combinations based on local factors and enterprise demands. We quantify and review policy effects through dynamic evaluation to make policies comparable, available and measurable, helping clients enhance the competitiveness of their industrial policies.  

Our services:

  • industrial policy formulation
  • industrial policy evaluation and enhancement 
Guide funds

Government guide funds have become a standard feature of regional development. However, the development of guide funds remains stagnant due to their local nature, return cycles, risk tolerance, decision-making mechanisms and the investment ability of financial funds. We provide professional services throughout the guide fund lifecycle by driving the design of fund scenarios based on local industrial characteristics and leveraging Deloitte's industrial insights and enterprise resources.  

Our services:

  • guide fund structure design
  • design of guide fund management and operating models
  • whole-process sub-fund advisory (fund raising, investment, management and exit)
Regional financing

Regional development depends on financial support. However, regions often have limited development funds and need more diverse, market-oriented financing channels and tools. We track regional financing policies and methods, help clients package their regional project assets, set out the pace of regional development and make the best use of a variety of government financing and platform financing tools, providing a complete set of comprehensive regional financing solutions.

Our services:

  • assets pack design advisory
  • regional financing model research
  • regional investment and financing schemes (e.g. government special bonds, PPP, urban construction investment platform financing) 

3. Implementation

We provide clients with a comprehensive set of professional services covering investment attraction engines, offline investment attraction and project implementation, assisting them in integrating multiple resources, promoting the implementation of major projects and realizing the overall prosperity of their regional economies.  

Investment attraction engines

The investment attraction activities of governments and parks are typically limited to their existing connections, resulting in an inability to attract potential new or international investors. To break this loop, we help clients build global and bilingual investment attraction engines, improve their rankings by leveraging global search engines, and regularly analyze browsing and search data. We assign dedicated professionals to respond to initial inquiries from foreign enterprises and continue to follow up high-quality opportunities. Deloitte's Global Chinese Services Group (GCSG) can also provide local support in key regions. 

Our services:

  • bilingual investment attraction engine design and build  
  • investment attraction opportunity tracking  
  • local support in key overseas regions 
Offline investment attraction

Governments and parks hold various offline investment attraction activities, often investing huge resources to little effect. Our approaches emphasize investment attraction and introduction. Leveraging Deloitte's global industrial resources, we focus on exploring the potential of local leading enterprise resources. By relying on the operational capabilities of professional innovation industry spaces, including eco-spaces, we also help create innovative spaces that integrate innovation input, investment introduction, professional services and roadshow presentations to highlight clients' advantages and facilitate investment matchmaking.

Our services:

  • targeted investment introduction
  • high-impact investment attraction conferences
  • eco-spaces
Project implementation

Many industrial projects involve leading-edge developments and technologies, but clients' investment attraction departments lack professional knowledge and skills in differentiation and decision-making. Leveraging Deloitte's expertise and technical strength, we assist clients in screening the quality of enterprises and projects, and reviewing and analyzing the entry criteria for enterprises and the reasonableness of policy demands. We also provide integrated project cost advisory services focused on cost and effectiveness to help make capital utilization more legitimate and reasonable, thereby mitigating risks and enhancing effectiveness.  

Our services:

  • due diligence (corporate/project/reputation)
  • project feasibility studies
  • project cost advisory